Mark, Jennifer, Ava, & Sydney

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

May - June Update

Hello to everyone!

Things have been extremely busy around here.

Ava is growing so quickly we can't even believe it. She had her 6 month appointment with the doctor. She is still growing but definately slowly. At 6 months, she weighed 14lb 11oz and was 25 inches long. My little 2 foot baby. :o) Dr. Starr also found a heart murmur which he didn't seam too concerned about at this time. If the murmur is still there at her 9 month check up, then we will have to follow-up with the Cardiologist. We will see and keep you posted. The puking has definately slowed down. Mark and I were very excited about that. Ava is now sitting up without help and gets frustrated when she has to lay down. Ava is also such a good eater. She has tried so many different foods and so far she has eaten everthing without complaining!!

Ava is now 7.5 months old and is still cuter than ever. She loves lying on her tummy and pushing herself back. Still not crawling yet and no teeth yet (but drooling like crazy) It is only a matter of time before both she starts both of these things. Mid-June, Ava went Camping for the first time and she did great! Loved playing in the sand...getting so messy! Watching the campfire. and sleeping in the tent. She is such an awesome baby.

Mark and I are keeping busy with work, Ava, and the house. Mark just butchered alost 40 meat birds (chickens). Our freezers are FULL! Ella, our cow, is expecting her baby to drop anyday now. I am looking forward to seeing what she will have. Let hope it is a boy. :o) Sydney is doing well. She is definately back to her old self of sleeping, sometimes eating, and barking. She really enjoyed herself at the beach this year when we went camping. Playing on the beach, I think, is one of her favorite things to do.

Ok, got to go. But until next time, hope all is well for you. Take CARE!!!

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