Mark, Jennifer, Ava, & Sydney

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ava's 2 week check

November 24, 2009

Ava went to see Dr. Starr again. We have been concerned about her weight, so we were anxious to see where she was at today. Slowly but surely, Ava will fill out. Not concerned anymore. :o)

Her birth weight: 6lb 5oz
Discharge weight: 5lb 12oz
6th day after birth: 5lb 14oz
2 week check: 6lb 5oz

Ava's Birth

November 8th, our family was blessed with a beautiful baby girl. After 18 hours of labour at home and only 36 minutes in the hospital, Ava Jaycee Giannobile joined us. It was such an amazing experience from start to finish.

November 8th about midnight, I started having contractions every 10-12 minutes apart. Needless to say, I did not sleep a wink. Those things are hard to sleep through. I ended up watching a lot of TV that night. I was able to sleep about 2-3 hours thankfully, because the rest of the day was a busy one. I started timing my contractions again about 9am and they were still about 10 minutes apart. Around 3:30pm they started to become about 5 minutes apart. About 4:30pm, after the Seahawks game, I talked Mark into going for a walk up the street. For some reason it felt better to walk through my contractions then to sit through them. After our walk we went over to Mark's parents house for dinner. We were supposed to anyhow. I never got to eat. The contractions now were about every 3 minutes apart and are little more painful. Not fun at all. I told Mark that it was time to go to the hospital...his response, "I don't know" as he picked up his cup of tea. We walked back home and still not doing well at all. I had to convince Mark that we needed to go to the hospital, if anything to be checked. Before we left the house, I found Mark washing the dishes, "Mark we need to go!" then I found him folding the laundry, "Mark, I am not kidding we need to go!" Mark didn't want to go to the hospital to sit for 12-24 hours before anything happened. We finally got in the car...thought I felt like I had to push. Mark then started to take things seriously. We got to the hospital at 6:30pm. Slowly walked to the L & D unit and Tacoma General. They checked my progress and the nurse said I was fully dilated and at stage 2+ (baby crowning). They rushed me off to a room and about 5 pushes later, our baby girl was born. So precious and beautiful. About 2 hours later we were resting in Mother/Baby room.

What a crazy, busy, eventful, and exciting day November 8th was.