Mark, Jennifer, Ava, & Sydney

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tummy Time!

Mommy's Lucky Charm

March is Here!!

Happy March everyone!

Quick update, then some pictures for all to enjoy.

Ava is 4 months this month and how time flies, it is just crazy. She is still filling everyday with smiles and giggles. At her 4 month doctor's appointment she weighed in at 12lb 4oz and 24 inches long. She is growing slowly, but surely. She loves hanging out with dad and auntie Ryan when mom has to work.

Mark is still keeping busy around the house. He did purchase 3, not 2 as planned, lowline cows. They are awefully cute. :o) Names: LuLu, Sophie, and Nellie. We still have two Herfords, Ella and Ruby. They are all getting along quite nicely, thank goodness. Mark has also been attending Seed Saving classes. they are once a month and they discuss how to save seeds from your last years' crops, how to grow/start your crops from those seeds, etc. Mark seems to be enjoying the class.

Jenn is still working. It is exhausting but she is hanging in there. On her stretches off from work, she enjoys just hanging out with little miss Ava. :o) Jenn's sister, Michelle, is due to have her little girl, Kaylynn, any day now. Michelle's due date is March 14th. We will see. We are excited to have another little girl around.

Sydney is pretty much back to normal and her full spunky little self. The Prednisone and a lot of rest must have done the trick! Thankfully we did not have to go down the surgery route. She is doing much better.

Until next month, we hope everyone is doing well. Take Care Everyone!!!