Mark, Jennifer, Ava, & Sydney

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

May - June Update

Hello to everyone!

Things have been extremely busy around here.

Ava is growing so quickly we can't even believe it. She had her 6 month appointment with the doctor. She is still growing but definately slowly. At 6 months, she weighed 14lb 11oz and was 25 inches long. My little 2 foot baby. :o) Dr. Starr also found a heart murmur which he didn't seam too concerned about at this time. If the murmur is still there at her 9 month check up, then we will have to follow-up with the Cardiologist. We will see and keep you posted. The puking has definately slowed down. Mark and I were very excited about that. Ava is now sitting up without help and gets frustrated when she has to lay down. Ava is also such a good eater. She has tried so many different foods and so far she has eaten everthing without complaining!!

Ava is now 7.5 months old and is still cuter than ever. She loves lying on her tummy and pushing herself back. Still not crawling yet and no teeth yet (but drooling like crazy) It is only a matter of time before both she starts both of these things. Mid-June, Ava went Camping for the first time and she did great! Loved playing in the sand...getting so messy! Watching the campfire. and sleeping in the tent. She is such an awesome baby.

Mark and I are keeping busy with work, Ava, and the house. Mark just butchered alost 40 meat birds (chickens). Our freezers are FULL! Ella, our cow, is expecting her baby to drop anyday now. I am looking forward to seeing what she will have. Let hope it is a boy. :o) Sydney is doing well. She is definately back to her old self of sleeping, sometimes eating, and barking. She really enjoyed herself at the beach this year when we went camping. Playing on the beach, I think, is one of her favorite things to do.

Ok, got to go. But until next time, hope all is well for you. Take CARE!!!

Wilcox Days 2010

Mark took Ava and I to Wilcox Festival. We saw tractor races, old clasic tractors, old fire engines, and beatiful farm lands. We entered a raffle to win this john Deere baby tractor...nope, didn't win it. Next time. Ava loved sitting on the tractor. It was definately her highlight of the trip.

MBED Camping Trip 2010

We had so much fun this year at Kalaloch Campgrounds. Ava did so well. She was a real trooper. We are looking forward to some more camping this summer.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April Excitement!

Hello to everyone! We are keeping extremely busy so far this April. The beginning of April we went to Whistler, Canada, with the Callaham clan. We were nervous and curious about how the 4 days would go and I am happy to say, the days went well. We left Easter Sunday which was a bummer. Spent the entire day in the car. Road trip with a baby that feeds every 2.5 hours is insane! We stopped in Mt. Vernon at the tulip fields. They were so pretty. Then back in the car for the rest of the trip. While in Whistler, Ava got to see her first snow. It snowed in the village while we walked around. Cold but very cool. :o) Ava went swimming for the first time. Very cute. She loved it...kicking her legs and just hanging out in the warm water. It's a big tummy tub mom! Anyhow, our stay with the Callaham's was relaxing and entertaining. Good times.

Once back at home, Ava and I went to Ava's first Mariners game on the 16th. They won 11-3 against the Tigers. Good game. Ava was entertaining everyone around us. She did so well for being at such a long game. I have the best baby ever!

Then on the 18th, Mark, Ava and I went to the last day of the spring fair. Quite uneventful but we always have to go so Mark can look at the cows and we can buy our scones. :o) Yummy. It was so nice that day it was pushing 70 degrees. We all wore our sunglasses, even Ava. She wore those things and didn't even fuss! It was the cutest thing ever.

Little family update: Everyone is doing well. Mark is still working on yard/house projects when he is not working. He recently went up turkey hunting with Justin and Owen. Nope, he didn't shoot anything. Close but nothing this year. :o) Marybridge just opened it's new ER. It is absolutely beautiful and huge! Way bigger than our other space. I am definately going to have to get used to the new space but it is so nice. Ava is now 5 months old and is chattin' up a storm. She has discovered her voice, so now she is scream, A LOT! OMG. We also started Ava on rice cereal this month. She absolutely loved it! I can't wait to start feeding her real foods. I figured I will wait until 6 months for the food. Sydney, cows, and chickens are all doing well.

We hope everyone is doing well. We will catch up with you later. Until next month!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tummy Time!

Mommy's Lucky Charm

March is Here!!

Happy March everyone!

Quick update, then some pictures for all to enjoy.

Ava is 4 months this month and how time flies, it is just crazy. She is still filling everyday with smiles and giggles. At her 4 month doctor's appointment she weighed in at 12lb 4oz and 24 inches long. She is growing slowly, but surely. She loves hanging out with dad and auntie Ryan when mom has to work.

Mark is still keeping busy around the house. He did purchase 3, not 2 as planned, lowline cows. They are awefully cute. :o) Names: LuLu, Sophie, and Nellie. We still have two Herfords, Ella and Ruby. They are all getting along quite nicely, thank goodness. Mark has also been attending Seed Saving classes. they are once a month and they discuss how to save seeds from your last years' crops, how to grow/start your crops from those seeds, etc. Mark seems to be enjoying the class.

Jenn is still working. It is exhausting but she is hanging in there. On her stretches off from work, she enjoys just hanging out with little miss Ava. :o) Jenn's sister, Michelle, is due to have her little girl, Kaylynn, any day now. Michelle's due date is March 14th. We will see. We are excited to have another little girl around.

Sydney is pretty much back to normal and her full spunky little self. The Prednisone and a lot of rest must have done the trick! Thankfully we did not have to go down the surgery route. She is doing much better.

Until next month, we hope everyone is doing well. Take Care Everyone!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Time Flies!!!

Hello to everyone!

Things around the Giannobile house has been eventful! Ava is growing so fast it is hard to believe she is already 3 1/2 months old. She is such an amazing blessing. She is full of smiles and laughs. She is now 11 lbs 8oz and 23.5 inches long! Crazy. Ava loves standing up...sometime she will get upset if you make her sit down...standing is best. She already has full control of her neck. AND the best part is, Ava has been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks old. She is such a good/happy baby!

Jennifer went back to work at the hospital and things went well. It was like she never left. So where was Ava while she went back to work? Yep, home with Dad! Auntie Diane came to dad's rescue half way through the day which made things nice for Mark. Everyone survived and all went well.

Mark is still keeping busy with the projects around the house/barn. Gene and Mark recently went in together on purchasing a 2006 Kabota tractor. What a relief! Jennifer thought he would never buy one and only talk about buying one. The day finally came...Mark is a proud owner of a functional tractor. He is still restoring his uncle's 1949 John Deere tractor that is NOT functional at all. He is excited to get it put back together. Mark's other excitement is the possibility of purchasing two Lowline cows. Just what we need...more cows! They are so stinking cute though! So with his projects around the house, working at the fire station, and being a new dad, Mark has been keeping busy.

Sydney has had a rough past month. She wasn't walking, she would shake as if she were in pain, occasionally yelp/whimper, and we had no idea what was going on. After 3-4 trips to the vet for meds, blood work, and Xrays, she was finally put on some steroids, prednisone, and things seem to be getter better for Sydney. She will greet you at the door, she is starting to get up a little easier, and she is now eating. We are excited that things are going better for our puppy. We hope that she continues to get better. We want our puppy back. :o)

That is about all that is going on around the Giannobile's house. Nothing new coming up in the near future but we will keep you posted.